Buscamos 1 voluntario/a
para SVE Bulgaria 1 noviembre a 23 de diciembre 2014

Nuestra organización socia asociación ALTERNATIVI INTERNATIONAL de Belgrado, Bulgaria, nos ofrece 1Plaza para apoyar su proyecto con el Servicio Voluntario Europeo. Esta persona compartirá el proyecto con otras 2 de otros paises.

SVE bulgaria


  • tener conocimientos básicos de inglés
  • tener entre 18 y 30 años
  • tener el pasaporte (NO DNI) válido mínimo 6 meses desde el 1 de noviembre

La prioridad de nuestra asociación i-life
es la mobilidad de jóvenes del medio rural, provenientes del poniente granadino.
Interesad@s escribid a

Más Información (en inglés)

The main topics of the project are related to

  • promoting volunteering and informing young people about EVS as well as with organizing youngster`s free time trough clubs of interest and “multicultural school”.
  1. The volunteers will be developing a newsletter containing information about volunteering opportunities on local and international level and
  2. will work in “Radio Alternativi”-they will gather interviews and other materials for volunteering;
  3. they will also develop monthly video newsletter for what has been done and what is coming up in the organization`s calendar.
  4. The aim of the cooking and dance clubs and the multicultural school is to stimulate intercultural dialogue and make local youngsters more open-minded.
  • The project will provide youngsters with alternative to spend their free time while developing their skills and civil initiative trough non-formal education: promoting tolerance and intercultual dialogue among young people trough different cultural events.
  • Another topic the project focuses on is social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities trough working with youngsters from the local orphanage. The volunteers will also have the opportunity to meet youngsters coming from villages and non-developed regions and also take part in our partner`s activities and campaigns aiming informing and social integration of those youngsters.